
Mandatory EBN

Case Noticing: Pursuant to Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9036, you will be receiving electronic notice via this electronic account hosted by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) as designated by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. It is your responsibility to access this website regularly to retrieve any bankruptcy notices sent to you. Your usage of this website constitutes notice in the case(s) that you are a party.

If you or your organization wish to receive electronic notices directly to a personal or corporate email account, contact the BNC using the below listed contact information.

Your access to and use of this electronic information system indicates your understanding of and your expressed consent to each of these conditions of use above.

Advantages of Electronic Notification: Electronic messaging allows a subscriber to receive notices days faster than the postal service delivery time. Notices are sent electronically the same day the court produces them. Electronic notices that you store on your computer are easier to find when you need them.

How Electronic Noticing Works:
Redundant Mode: Entities are considered a high-volume paper notice recipient when 25 or more notices are sent to a specific recipient address. These recipients will have electronic service initiated in approximately 105 days after the month in which the entity received over the threshold number of notices. During the first 30 days of the electronic service, the BNC will send notices electronically and by U.S. mail to allow the notice recipient entity at the address that exceeded the threshold to confirm the process is working correctly. This initial 30-day period is called “redundant mode.” Upon expiration of redundant mode, all future notices processed by the BNC for the courts will only be sent electronically without further notice.

Name Matching: The BNC software will attempt to match the name and address(es) included in the court's mailing list. In most cases, the addresses on the court's mailing lists are provided by the debtor. If there is a match, the BNC will send the notice electronically. If the name and address on the court's mailing list do not match the name and address(es) that are considered a high-volume paper notice recipient, the BNC will print and mail the notice to the address on the court's mailing list.

NOTE: The BNC does not process all the notices you may receive in a case. Notices generated by trustees, attorneys, debtors, and some court-generated notices will continue to be mailed.

Contact the BNC: Contact the BNC by email at ebn@baesystems.us or call toll free at (877) 837-3424 if you need assistance.

Thank you.